Sunday, February 5, 2012

Who is the best Detroit musician, EVER?!

So it's the end of yet another weekend, and time for me to once again talk about the band that I went and saw this past weekend. However, things are going to be done a little differently this time.

Yesterday I went and saw a band called Collision Six at Bayside in Walled Lake, but this time I'm not gonna review the group.

I KNOW, I KNOW....This is a blog about reviewing music, how can I just not review a group?! Before everyone goes and gets their knickers all twisted let me explain.

I've been asked to fill in for this group as one of the lead vocalists in March, so to prevent any conflict of interests, I've decided the best thing I can do is to not destroy my credibility as a music critic. But that doesn't mean I can't do a few shameless plugs here and there ;).

So, to sum up the performance, it was extremely high energy, tons of fun to watch, and is a younger group than the Dan Rafferty Band that I reviewed last week. So if thats the kind of group you're looking for, then this is your group!.....Did I mention they're talented?

No, seriously......

They're good, so book us........well, them........whatever, you know what I mean!

So, since this was going to be a pretty lame post, if I didn't have something to talk about, I decided the best thing I could do was get some opinions of the people who read this each week. So, I've compiled a little poll to see what you think about the musicians that Detroit has produced throughout the years.

This list contains the most high profile musicians that have come out of Detroit within the last few decades.

The poll is right below this, so please feel free to comment and tell me why you think your musician is the best. Also, if your artist isn't one of the 4 listed, TELL ME WHO IT IS!

Seriously.... I'm on the edge of my seat right now, waiting in anticipation to find out who you think is the best.

With that being said, UNTIL NEXT WEEK!


Who is the best Detroit musician?


  1. Good luck on vocals! That takes some guts to get up and sing in front of a ton of people! Anyway, I voted "other" on your poll. Don't get me wrong all of the artists you listed are stellar. However, I am a huge classic rock fan so I am going to go with Alice Cooper! "Schools Out" never gets old! I love listening to Nights with Alice Cooper on CSX. He gives good background stories to some great music.

  2. Ah yes, Alice Cooper! Very nice choice! I actually completely forgot that he was from Detroit. It's been so long since I've listened to any of his albums. it looks like I need to revisit some of the classics myself!

    Thanks for the comment Katie!
