Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Save The Detroit Symphony Orchestra!

Alright, so as soon as I read about this I knew it was something that I had to talk about.

So, it's no secret that everyone is strapped for cash in the Michigan. It's also no secret that the city of Detroit has been hit especially hard with financial troubles. However, some of the shining spots in Detroit have always been some of the great landmarks within the city, like the Fox Theatre, and of course the Detroit Opera House.

Now, news has recently broken that the Detroit Symphony is having a very difficult time keeping up with their costs, and that they may be forced with no other option but to close down.

I know that I usually post witty and condescending things in this blog, but this time I am going to make a very serious request that we, as citizens of the Metro Detroit area, take ownership of our great establishments and our city, and try to ban together and make sure that one of our greatest pieces of history is not forced to become nothing more than a memory.

In the wake of the financial troubles that the symphony has been facing, an unlikely local star has agreed to step up to the plate and do whatever he can to make sure that the symphony continues to make incredible music well into the future.


I know it seems like a pretty strange pair, to see Kid Rock trying to save the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. However, this is way bigger than just music, or specific genres of music. This is about our city, and preserving a piece of our history!

Kid Rock has agreed to do a benefit concert at the Fox Theatre on May 12, 2012. The tickets will go on sale this Saturday at 10:00am, and are bound to go fast!

Now, ticket prices range from $100 - about $1,500 for different VIP packages. I know that seems pretty steep, but what I'm asking is that even if that seems like a lot of money, and you are unable to attend, I'm sure you can still give donations to the symphony.

We have already seen far too much of our history in Detroit turned to nothing more than abandoned buildings and graffiti ridden walls. I refuse to let that happen to the Detroit Opera House and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra without a fight!

If anyone has heard any more information about this concert or any other specifics about the DSO, please feel free to share them!

Let's ban together as a city and show the world what the city of Detroit, and the state of Michigan are truly capable of!


  1. I don't want the Detroit Opera House to close down! That is one of the nicest venues I have ever been to. Recently, I went to see Wicked over there and absolutely loved the experience. Seeing the venue close would bring a tear to my eye. Hopefully Kid Rock and the people within Detroit and surrounding areas can help save it.

  2. wow I was unaware that they were in this serious condition. You are so right in saying that we as detroiters are all experiencing hard times, and Detroit has been beat up enough. We are all detroiters and we all need to step up and make it right! I agree wigh Caleb, hopefully Kid Rock and more motown heros will jump in and help stop the insanity!

    Thanks for the info!
