Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Beach Boys, Paul McCartney, and Glen Campbell.....Welcome to 2012?

As a little bit of a change up this week, I decided that the theme of this post was going to be Grammy related. However, instead of just talking about the performers and say what my favorite part was, I'm going to do one better and critique the best and worst performances. Trust me folks, this will be good, because there were some pretty ridiculous performances this year.....

Oh and in case you didn't know......WHITNEY HOUSTON DIED?!?! WHAT?!

Alright, so let's start with the top of the show and work our way down shall we.....

Rihanna and Coldplay were the first major performance for the night, and I would say the performance was average at best. It started with Rihanna coming out looking like a cross between Britney Spears and Diana Ross with her very golden locks. Not sure if that's her best look, but I am sure that it was one of her better stage performances. Rihanna has a tendency to look slightly uninterested while she performs, and because of that can come across a little boring. She had a very high energy performance that was relatively on key, so I'd say it was probably a 3.5 out of 5. Now, the duet between Coldplay and Rihanna, was a complete melodic mess. I'm not sure who the genius behind that collaboration was, but I'm pretty sure they won't be planning anything for quite some time. The duet had no confidence, lacked energy, and conviction. It would be generous of me to even give that a 1.5 out of 5. Finally, Coldplay performed their new single paradise, and I must say it was extremely successful! I've heard this song EVERYWHERE since the Grammys, which is exactly what Coldplay could have asked for. I think their performance was very deserving of the 3.5 out of 5 stars, that I've awarded them! Below is a link to their performance if you missed it!

Next on my list are Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. Now, there are a few cons to their performances, and at least on pro....

The pro for Katy, is that she didn't attempt to sing live! Thank God! Shes finally learned that she is not meant to be a live singer. The con is that she is just not all that captivating to anyone besides 13 year old girls anymore. Yes, I can admit that I've been caught humming or dare I say even singing to some of her songs on the radio, but she is always a let down when she performs live. ALWAYS. The same can be said of Taylor Swift. I love her as a person, and I think shes a very sweet person, but she is just awful at singing without some extensive editing. Plus, did anyone notice what she was wearing? If my memory serves me correctly it was something that Auntie Em from the Wizard of Oz would wear..... Needless to say.....NOT GOOD!
Taylor and Katy both get 2.5 out of 5 stars from me! Also, I'm not going to post their video, just for the sheer fact that they aren't very good.

The Beach Boys, Maroon 5, and Foster the People are the next groups that I wanted to go into some detail about. Maroon 5 and Foster the People started things off by doing renditions of Beach Boys songs and then they all came together at the end and sang a beach boys song together. Surprisingly enough, I would say that both Maroon 5 and Foster the People did quite well. I wasn't expecting them to be able to pull of Beach Boys songs, but they managed it quite well. Their solo performances get 3.5 out of 5 stars from me! However, the performance by all three groups were very good and very entertaining. Anytime you can get 3 groups from completely different genres and eras together and they sound good together, I would say it's a success! This collaboration gets 4 out of 5 stars! Just as a side note, Adam Levine of Maroon 5 literally looks like he has no idea what is going on during the song with the Beach Boys. You can just tell on his face that he's completely clueless, but you can see for yourself!

Glen Campbell, The Band Perry, and Blake Shelton are next on my list for the night. This was actually one of my favorite performances of the night. I thought Glen Campbell was easily one of the most entertaining and fun to watch performers of the night. You may not know a lot of his music, but boy did he shine at the Grammys! This performance gets 4.5 out of 5 in my book!

However, my favorite performances of the night were done by Adele, Jennifer Hudson, and Paul McCartney. Adele was easily the most highly anticipated performance of the night, since she was nominated for 5 awards for the night and was doing her first performance since she had throat surgery to remove some nodes on her vocal folds. She delivered a performance that was exactly what everyone was hoping for, and she looks incredible, 5 out of 5 in my book. Jennifer Hudson also had a very highly anticipated performance since she was doing a memoir to the late Whitney Houston. Her performance was also virtually flawless vocally. She did a very solid performance considering she was quite obviously upset while on stage, 4.5 out of 5 from me! The last major highlight of the night was the performance from Paul McCartney with Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band, the Foo Fighters and more. This was an awesome performance that was a perfect close to the show, 5 out of 5 from me!

There were a few more performance throughout the night, but they were not very memorable to me. I would love to her your opinion though. What did you think about the performances of the Grammys?


PS -  In case anyone forgot. Whitney Houston did the most amazing National Anthem that the world has ever seem. She was a truly amazing talent, and she will be missed forever. Here is her incredible Star Spangled Banner....

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Motown Man -
    Good review of the Grammy's! It is unfortunate about Whitney Houston. She had an amazing voice and I think Jennifer Hudson did an awesome job on her memoir. I have to say that I was not thrilled with Paul McCartney's first song that he sang, Valentine or something, it was pretty dreadful, but when he sang some of the classics at the end that was good!

    I have to say I am a huge fan of Rihanna and liked her performance alot. I do not think she gets enough credit for all of the collaborations that she does! There are soooo many good ones! Anyway, it was a great concert show! I would like to know when they actually award half of the awards! LOL.

    KT in the D
