Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Who is the best of the best?

So I was sitting with some friends of mine last week flipping through some channels on TV and one of my friends mentioned that they love the new Colbie Caillat song "Brighter Than The Sun", if you're not sure what song I'm talking about, it's right here!

Anyway, one of my friends said he really likes the song, and one of my other friends started making fun of him because he said the song sucked. So, this got me thinking about, how music preferences are truly objective. I may think something is amazing, where you might think it's the worst thing you've ever heard. So this got me thinking.....


So this week I wanted to ask you, who your favorite artists are and why? I don't want some lame response that someone is "the best" and that's why they are your favorite. I'm genuinely curious as to what factors contribute to different people liking artists.

I will go first to try to make things a little bit easier for everyone. My top 3 favorite artist are Jason Mraz, India Arie, and Rascal Flatts. Now, if you're looking at those artist separately you would probably think that they are way different, and to an extent they are, but they actually have more in common than you might originally think.

The reason I like Jason Mraz's music so much is because it is driven by rhythm and harmonies. He may not be the best vocal singer around, but when it comes to creation, and artistry, he is one of the best. I love that his music is so strongly linked to the beat, and that hes very relaxed while he performs.

The reason I love India Arie so much is because she is one of the most musically talented people I have ever seen. I saw her in concert about 5 years ago, and she played the bass guitar, electric guitar, flute, and keyboard flawlessly. Did I mention she has an incredible voice as well? Well....she does. So if that doesn't sell you on her, I don't know what will!

That just leaves me with Rascal Flatts. I would consider Rascal Flatts to be my vice. I mean sure, they are talented, but I think I like them more so because their songs are catchy and fun to sing along to.


Tell me, who is your favorite musician, and why?

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